Theory of Writing

Theory of Writing 

In this assignment, I will be talking about my theory of writing. I think a lot of other people also use my writing strategy. My process of writing doesn’t take a lot of time. Whatever I write If I’m really focused I can finish a 6-8 page essay in only 2 hours. But in order for me to be focused, I need to have a good environment. What I mean by a good environment is nice and clean. I can’t write in a place if the place is messy and loud. I need to be in a quiet place where I can focus. 

I believe something that is important to know about writing is you need to know what you are writing about. What I mean by this is that a lot of people do writing just to get good grades to get over our assignments. Some people even don’t know what they wrote. They just meet the requirements of the paper and just hand it. I personally did that a few years ago too. When I was in elementary school I enjoyed writing a lot but in middle school because of circumstances I hated writing. I hated writing in middle school firstly because in the days typing was not required in middle school. I had to handwrite everything. And my handwriting isn’t the best. There were few people in my writing classes who used to make fun of because of my handwriting. They used to say I write like a baby and my handwriting is dirty. Of course, I was a kid I felt offended and stopped writing. I also missed a few of my writing assignments. Then I started to stay after school to do my writings because my grades were going down. And of course, I had strict parents who always expected me to get good grades and I couldn’t let them down and do whatever I could to get good grades. But then in high school, I noticed I had to write a lot. There were different types of writing and that got me my interest in writing back. I got my interest back because in high school no one cared about what I did. Like no one cared how my handwriting was. I had different classes and in different classes, I got to write different types of essay such as Document Based Essay, Text-Based Response, Thematic Essay, and Research paper. I still love writing and enjoy most of the assignments I get from my classes. I also learned not to rush through my writing and reread after writing. I’ve noticed a lot of times I don’t read my paper and just submit it then when my instructor and peers read my papers they didn’t quite understand what I was trying to say because there was either spelling mistake or my whole sentence structure was incorrect. But it changed after I took 

In high school, I did most of my essays in my class because teachers go through what to write and how to write it. I remember when I was in high school, I only wrote one body paragraph a day. But in college, it’s a whole different world. At the beginning of the semester. I was given essays from almost all my classes. And I got about 2 days to finish a 5-6 pages essay. I had to come up with a strategy for myself I tried to write one of my essays in my bedroom but that didn’t work out because I fell asleep. Then, I tried to do it in the living room that also was a fail because my parents were watching TV and I couldn’t focus while the TV was on and then I told myself you know what I will just do it in the school library. Then, the next morning when I came to school that day I had two of my essays due. My English Source-Based Essay draft and World Civilization essay. I ended my class around 9:15 am then I went to one of the libraries at my college and went to a very quiet and nice place. I sat down on the table put my phone on “Do Not Disturb”  by that time it was 9:45 am and then I started to write my essay. It took only 2 hours to write both of my essays. By 12:00 pm I was out of the library and went outside for lunch. To be honest, after that day I do all my writing assignments in school. I have long breaks and I use my time wisely. I go to the same library every week and do all my assignments there. Every Week I either have exams or a paper due. So I just go to the library and do what I have to do.

I think this semester shaped me as a better writer because I got really good feedback from my peers and instructor. During my peer review, my peers told me what I need to fix. What I did wrong and what needs to be improved. For all my assignments there a first draft then final draft. The day the first assignment is due to the professor would tell the students to bring a copy of the writing because we would do peer review in class. As my peers reviewed my papers they commented and gave me suggestions to my paper. I used to go home and use my peer’s comments and suggestions to fix my writing. 

This semester I had to write essays. Source-Based Essay, Inquiry-Based Essay, and Composition in Two Genres. I had a really hard time doing the Source BAsed Essay because I had to research for the topic I chose and then write about it. But the difficult part was what am I supposed to write about I had no question. I usually wrote essays where I had a question and then answer the question. But for this assignment, I just write an essay about the topic. I was very confused but now that I look back I realize what mistakes I made. I feel like I could have done better in the Inquiry-Based Essay I think the mistake I made was I couldn’t connect my evidence and analysis to my questions. The easiest was Composition in Two Genres. It was a break from researching and I had a choice to write in whatever format I wanted. 

Before coming to this class I believed this class would make me a better writer. Even though I love writing. My writing skills are not the best. I have grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. I also used to use simple English words in my writing. In this class, I wanted to learn to use vocabulary in my writing and I think I did learn it and I also used it in some of my writing.  With each assignment, my theory of writing has gotten better. The more papers I wrote the better I got at writing. Every time I wrote my essays I made sure I didn’t make the mistakes I made in the past. I tried to write better than the essay I wrote in the past. There were a lot of significant events that impacted my writing. As I mentioned before my peers and instructor comments and suggestions helped me a lot. As I’m coming to the end of the semester I can see how I improved from the beginning of the semester to now. 

My writing strategies not only helped me with my English class it helped me in my other classes too. Right now I’m sitting in a quiet library and doing this assignment. Before doing this assignment I wrote a 4-page essay for my World Civilization class. My phone is in my bag and focused on my writing. I feel like I have accomplished because of this strategy.